Friday, December 11, 2009

Monday works =)

Half happy and half sad..
Don't know going back is a good thing or bad thing??
Anyway i'm paid to go back.
So never mind ya.
Just 2 weeks very fast pass =)

So happy actually going back to the department where I love to work with them.. =D
Never fails to joke together always!!

Hope going back was not a bad one.
Don't think too much ya!!
I going back to help only, shouldn't be very hush too...

4 Jan is my first lesson for ACCA.
Kind of nervous when the time get nearer...
Hope I could cope the 3 papers.
After the first 3 papers I really need a full time ya.
Pray hard everything go smoothly for me..!!

JIA YOU everyone that study or work de.. =)
Let work hard together for better future!
(errr... i think got spelling error =X )


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Boring night!!

It was a week again..
Until now still didn't manage to find a part time job.

Really gone case lo..
Kind of don't feel like finding and work..
But I have to no matter what..

Tired of this kind of life!!!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A kind of not happy!!

After 3days of leaving JTB, a lot calls has been receiving..
Kanna a bit not happy lo.

Already teach the new staff what have to be do, yet still calling up asking this and that..
I don't get it, why he cant do it lo.
The previous person who teach me do Guide Payroll, only guide me ONE TIME!!
And I can do it the next time myself, why he can't..??
Where all the notes are there.

When teaching, I'm the one doing so that he can write the note, but yet he want be the one who hand on, so I let him be.
Den yet he doesn't remember anything he did before..

I don't understand where is my teaching matters go wrong or where the hell he don't understand lo..
I fucking not happy where picking up all the calls from him EVERYDAY!!

He is fucking show off and HL that he seem everything knowing.
But when come to do, NOTHING HE KNOW!!!


I going get mad soon..!!

Although I did agree that you can call me, but I didn't know that, you called me EVERYDAY!!
Asking the same question on Guide Payroll..

I've pass you the whole stack of notes on the step of doing Guide Payroll.
Why can't you just see the fucking step??


I gonna get a part time job and start working IMMEDIATE!!!
Hate picking up his call.
My every teaching you keep say: "OH..... I know how to do liao" .
Den end up after I left, you keep disturbing me..!!!


Going not balance in my heart soon.

Fuck off..


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Daniel new toy...

This Daniel new toy..
Expensive new toy lo..
Hope this will use long na..

So boring at home..
Anyone intro job..??

Suyu ")

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st Day of Jobless Life

1st Dec,
1st day of jobless life start.

Actually quiet boring staying at home surfing net..
tiring day.
but anyway i already quited.
no more thinking of it..

The last day where out off office, i'm so so freaking rush..
Didn't remember that I want take picture with my colleagues.
End up forgetting everything I want do on my last day.


Never mind la..
Fated to be like that.
Hand over just anyhow do it oso..

Didn't really had time for myself with my computer the last day =(

Anyway ALL IS OVER.......................

No need every morning waking up and drag my body to the toilet and wash up..
At least now I can sleep more longer..
More time on msn, facebook or even cross stitch =)


I miss my colleague..
Although sitting in office doing thing that I don't like.
But I still like all colleague over there..
Everyone is so so so good to me..

Treating me like a little gal.

Really BIG THANKS to everyone!!!!!